
A chain game is when the last caption of a Drawception game is used as the initial prompt for a new game.

This website displays each chain game on a single page as if it was a single game.

There are also variant chain games, where that rule has been modified in some way.

Clicking on a panel number will take you to that panel's game on Drawception.com

Chain Games

Chain game by ieee

45 games, 631 panels
Started April 20th, 2023

Chain game by ieee

51 games, 715 panels
Started April 18th, 2023

Chain game by Mahran Islam

147 games, 2059 panels
Started June 12th, 2021

Chain game by Hoppy7000

19 games, 267 panels
September 30th, 2020 – May 11th, 2021

Chain game by Galladegamer

41 games, 575 panels
January 15th, 2020 – June 6th, 2020

Chain game by heckoyes

68 games, 953 panels
May 17th, 2018 – March 2nd, 2019

Chain game by Hippolyta18

33 games, 451 panels
January 17th, 2018 – May 1st, 2020

Chain game by BoxTar

17 games, 234 panels
August 2nd, 2017 – August 16th, 2017

Chain game by BoxTar

38 games, 525 panels
February 8th, 2014 – March 11th, 2014

Chain game by FlyingBuzz

258 games, 3620 panels
May 9th, 2013 – June 17th, 2014

Chain game by bigmoonthugpanda

115 games, 1611 panels
December 19th, 2012 – July 6th, 2016

Variant Chain Games

Alphabet elimination game by ieee

22 games, 309 panels
April 28th, 2023 – October 19th, 2023

Acyclic chain game by Albrithr.

102 games, 1439 panels
Started July 31st, 2021

Step chain game by Hippolyta18 and Piece of Poop

23 games, 224 included step-panels, 345 panels played
January 9th, 2020 – June 14th, 2020

Step chain game by TrikoTry

49 games, 402 included step-panels, 735 panels played
January 9th, 2020 – June 3rd, 2020
